You guys are so damn amazing. Everyday i watch u guys on internet and every time i do u guys never fail to inspire me.
First of all, I’m someone who procrastinate a lot and have inconsistencies in my efforts. But, u guys? U are one of the most hard-working people i have ever seen. Yes you may not work 24/7 and there are certainly people who work harder than u. But, to me you are the coolest people ever.
You were the reason i started to take risks. I joined dance classes, I went to workshops and failed miserably in front of others, i got a bass which I’ve only learned two songs with it, i started to learn new word, have more opinions, thoughts and a better mindset.
And most importantly i started becoming myself again. I will admit tho that i was often looking at ur videos instead of studying. But hey I’ve already finished my igcses so what could go right ye?
Anyways, there is word limit so i just wanted to say thank you to all 7 of u. I hope i can meet y’all whenever i want to in the future:))
FROM…. Your cute future friend