Hi, 10-year-old me. I miss you so much—truly, I do. I miss how innocent and carefree we were back then,...
Author: Write Anonymous Letter
Dear GraysonDear Grayson
I’m really interested in you. I know we haven’t been friends for long but oh my god I’m in love...
Dear DDear D
Hey rotiboy,Its been almost 10 months since we hv broken up. Ive been doing well, moving on from you and...
My Tall Morena CrushieMy Tall Morena Crushie
I know it may sounds weird but I just wanted to say that my feelings for you is now gone....
Dear AnnaDear Anna
Ich weiß das du mich gerne hast und ich weiß das ich dich gernhabe, wir sind beste Freunde seit der...
Dear A.A..Dear A.A..
Earlier, I saw someone in the dark, and for a moment, my whole being told me it was you. I...
Person who’s writing mePerson who’s writing me
Give a thought of how I tried,A shameless desire that I can driveWhy must you give me such an unlucky...
Dear Current MeDear Current Me
I’m sorry.I’m sorry that your mom insults you and will never stop lowering your self esteem. She makes you feel...
Wise People of the WorldWise People of the World
How do I know if the feelings I have for someone are romantic or platonic? I have attachment issues that...
Dear RonenDear Ronen
Is this another letter you found that I made? You probably think I’m crazy but I cry some nights knowing...