Hi, if you’re the person this was addressed to and you somehow stumbled upon this website, please read this. I’m currently one of your best friends right now, but it doesn’t feel like it as much. When i first heard about you, I didn’t have a good first impression. I tried to be friends with you, and i eventually succeeded, but you’re making it hard for me to stay. When we first became friends, you always used your emotions as an excuse to do things and make me do things.
I followed your orders because I pitied you, but that was before I saw through the facade. I’m not gonna lie, you’re absolutely beautiful and have some attributes that aren’t bad, but you have some that aren’t good either. Every time i talk to you, it feels like I’m walking on eggshells around you and that you could get mad at me easily.
You expressed your hate for stuff that I enjoyed clearly, and not in a good way or a passive way. You used me. You always take command. You boss me around. You make everything about yourself. You’re selfish and delusional. When we first started being friends, you used me as a personal therapist and always told me that you were going to unalive yourself.
Looking back, I wish I never became friends with you. You sulk often, and you freak out when things don’t go your way. I thought that you were nice and kind, but no. You’re manipulative. You weaponize your mental health and conditions against me and pin me and pin yourself as the victim. You di made fun of me and bodyshamed me, and then when I snapped back, you victimized yourself.
You didn’t even care when I did sh and you just ignored it. You’re a hypocrite, and you also aren’t loyal. You have four guys on your roster even, and you never let me talk about myself. I still believe you can change, and I want you to.
You have so much potential in you and you don’t have to manipulate or guilt trip people to get what you want. You can just accept it. Don’t think that you’re the victim every time and acknowledge your mistakes. Not everything has to be done your way, and you have to be open to other’s opinions too. I believe and trust that you can change. Please do.